Jan 18, 2007

A Cautionary Tale

In case any of you are having trouble sticking to that "I need to get in better shape" new year's resolution of yours, hopefully this latest development between Thailand's favorite pandas, Chuang Chuang and Lin Hui will give you the sort of motivation you're looking for:
“Chuang Chuang is gaining weight too fast and we found Lin Hui is no longer comfortable with having sex with him,” said the zoo’s chief veterinarian, Kanika Limtrakul, adding that Chuang Chuang weighed 331 pounds while Lin Hui is only 253 pounds.


The diet plan is the latest in an unsuccessful and often strange campaign by zoo officials to get the two bears to mate.

They have held a mock wedding, announced plans to separate the two to spark a little romance and even talked of introducing panda porn — videos of other pandas mating — to get the pair in the mood.
Poor Chuang Chuang. On second thought, I take it all back.

See, it's this kind of scruitiny that'll drive a panda to the world of eating disorders.

I'm just saying.

(Nicole Richie photo courtesy of TMZ photo galleries. Panda photo courtesy of Reuters/handout and AFP/File/Pornchai Kittiwongsakul)

1 comment:

Laurie said...

That can't be a non-photoshopped pic of Richie, can it? Can it?