Jul 15, 2007

Post-AIDS Walk Blogging

I am quite happy and smug with myself that I've been able to fundraise and complete another SF AIDS Walk. And although my feet are quite painful and I'm totally tired, it was all worth it. In all, today's walkers raised more than $4.5 million, which I think was a new record.

Mad props to the boys in the bell (they know who they are), who brought with them the speaker bag, which made each step of the 6.2 miles so much fun for us.

My deepest thanks and appreciation goes out to every single one of you who sponsored me. As you all know, HIV and AIDs are universal problems, no longer confined to specific groups of people. With all of your support, we've all done our part to help change the course of this epidemic.

Now, can someone volunteer to give a homegirl a foot massage? Damn.


Anonymous said...

eLFiN GuRL, Hey grill, I miss that AIDS Walk. I did it for years too. One year Wendy and I even volunteered to do the registering. We had to be there at like 6:30am, get people registered and ready to walk. We also had to clean up the registration area after the Walk began. With so many volunteers, we did it in like an hour flat. The field looked like nothing was ever there. I had such a warm fuzzy feeling from being part of such a great, much needed, and highly important event. Good for you!!!

Anonymous said...

I did it last year, but missed it this year. YOU GO GIRL!